
You are as a Tennis Tourist very welcome in Faaborg Tennis Club - The most beautiful tennis court in Denmark. Playing tickets cost DKK 150,- per court per hour, whether you play single or double.Approximately 5 minutes before the playing hour ends, the courts must be swept. In general we ask you to leave the courts and the clubhouse in the same good condition as you receive it, please. Have a good time!

Information and help with booking kontact: Faaborg Turistkontor Torvet 19, Danland A/S, Klintealle 1 Hotel Faaborg Fjord, Svendborgvej 75.

 You may also book directly from this homepage using Booking / Tourist Booking

Choose when you want to play and on which of the available courts.

The price for the use of a court is 150,- Dkr, payable directly by credit card: VISA or DanKort.